2 February 2018 - 2 February 2018
10:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen), JTH

Licentiate seminar - Cinzia Sansone

Licentiate Seminar

Title: Critical operations capabilities in a high cost environment
Doctoral student: Cinzia Sansone
Third-cycle level subject: Production systems
Faculty examiner: Associate professor Rudrajeet Pal, University of Borås
Examiner: Professor Per Hilletofth, JTH, JU
Link to the thesis: http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-38599

Welcome to attend the seminar!

Organizer: School of Engineering
Last updated: 2018-01-18 12:05