8 november 2022 - 8 november 2022


B1014, JIBS

Disputation - Lisa Bäckvall

Lisa Bäckvall will defend her doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public defense
on Tuesday, 8 November at 2.15 pm in Hall B1014 at JIBS.

The doctoral thesis is titled, “The Coexistence of Family, Ownership, and Business: Conceptualizing Entanglement and Business Family Ownering”


Faculty examiner/opponent is Professor Robin Holt, Copenhagen Business School

Members of the examining committee are:
- Professor Denise Fletcher, University of Luxembourg
- Docent/Associate professor Marie-Léandre Gomez, ESSEC Business School (Paris)
- Professor Jonas Gabrielsson, Halmstad University.

Chairperson of the defense is Senior Associate Professor Massimo Baù, JIBS.

Principal supervisor is Professor Emeritus Leif Melin and deputy supervisor is Dr. Anna Larsson.


If you cannot attend in person, you can follow the defence on-line, on Zoom wewbinar.
Please register in advance for this webinar:

Meeting ID: 690 7283 7932
Passcode: 263687
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Arrangör: Jönköping International Business School
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-10-25 13:21